20p Roulette

  • Up To £500 Jackpot
  • Play with £1; £2

The classic game of roulette gets an upgrade with ‘20p Roulette’. You know the rules; place your chips on the table and spin the wheel! But the new spin bar feature makes things a little more interesting. This new and exciting version of the classic roulette format adds an extra layer of intrigue. Place your chips on the table and land in the green area of the brand-new spin bar to get to the roulette wheel. Play ‘20p Roulette’ at Admiral Slots today.

This spin on the classic roulette format adds some extra excitement to the game. To get to the roulette wheel, you have to first master the brand-new spin bar! Red and green sections of the spin bar adjust as you place more chips on the board. Hit ‘BET’ to send the arrow up and down the bar. If it lands on green, you go onwards to try your hand at the wheel. If your numbers come up when you spin the wheel, then it’s your lucky day!

As you place your chips, the pay table will update to show your potential winnings. There are 3,000 chips available to play. Place more than 200 chips to active the spin bar!